Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Workshop programme at Chitwan

A group of organisations have conducted a 3 days semenar cum worshop programme at Narayanghat, Chitawan last day. It was mainly aimed at children and schools that how they can involved to take care and treat eye diseases. The seminar also feels to prepare a school level curriculam and also expected that concerned authority and Nepal Government will support it positively. The programme also trageted to female community health workers and teachers also.
Being chair person, Mr. Mohan Lal , The Mayor of Narayanghat Municipalites said that this kind of curriculum would improve to control the general eye desease in village sector and also would help to poor. "After getting general guidence by school student and teacher, certainly it will solve the general cases of eye disease", Mr. Lal said .
Dr. Giriman Shingh, general elected body from Chitwan district assured that the ministry will give necessary help to that very orgnisations who are involved in this project. He also advise all the participents to take good care to the poor villagers of the district.
Dr. Giriman Singh also urged the parents to make sure that their children have no eye desease. If they seems there were something wrong with their kids, immediately they should have to consult at health post. He also suggested the participent principles, school should issue eye certificate to every kid who get enrolled in the school at the begining of academic year.

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